Tuesday, November 22, 2011

All things new, all things new.

So, this is my first true holiday season as a married woman; very exciting stuff! Everything changes with time and new traditions form. I am so looking forward to making those with my best friend whom I am honored to call my husband.

This week we are re-doing our kitchen. Matt's parents flew in from the UK and arrived with us around 9pm and we enjoyed an evening laughing and receiving a few 'confectional gifts' (English chocolate), as Jeremy calls them. :) He talks so quickly and has a pretty thick English accent, so I have to pay close attention or I won't understand a thing he says!

I am truly enjoying this process of creating 'new' traditions. We don't really have any established yet, however, the dreaming aspect and the discovery aspect leave me feeling exceedingly hopeful and expectant of a wonderful life in God; a life rich in love and full of joy. In it all I cannot help but be stirred in the depths to such gratitude at the truth of God, that as He writes me in to this story on the Earth, He makes all things new. As I get the privilege of walking out this life the theme will continue: HE MAKES ALL THINGS NEW!

And I am living my life with these little glimpses, little parallels like 'new traditions', that speak of the mystery and also of the knowledge of God in ways that I will be searching out for the entirety of my life.

All things new, all things new.