i went to the movies last night semi excited to see dark night, this batman flick that has been raved about for sometime now. there was an unbelievable crowd of people who went out to see the midnight showing. it's so interesting how the night went for me. i left longing for the Lord God Almighty as parched land longs for the rain!
this was a family occasion and everyone was excited about it. i don't watch television much at all, so i had never even seen a preview for this movie and didn't know how dark dark night actually was going to be. two hours into the movie i left the theater. i felt so much evil in that place so i left to journal, pray and listen to worship music. the result is what i am about to write in this blog. you can call this my soap box if you like. i call it conviction, just wanting more of Him than anything this world has to offer.
i started thinking about heath ledger. he is no longer here on this earth and i could just sense demonic strongholds on the charactecter of the joker. i wonder if him playing that role had anything to do with his premature death, his suicide at such a young age. it certainly could not have helped matters if you ask me...
here is what i wrote last night on a piece of scratch paper that i had as a book mark. it's intense and raw. not edited...just my heart on the matter. God is birthing in me such a devotion to the pursuit of the holy and eternal. i am becoming less and less tolerant of the world and its ways. more and more aware of the enemy and His schemes.
even Christians are stepping up to get the stamp of the enemy.their eyes are veiled , they are deceived by demons parading around as angels of light. in fear, living more in the natural, fleshly man, they drink whatever cup the enemy has put in front of them. they drink poison, and little by little, noticing the taste at first to be detestable and unatural, not good, they intake and with every gulp become accustomed to this polluted counterfeit for living water. their thirst only increases as they consume liquid death. each time they crave and drink this elixer, it promises something it was never intended to deliver and can never deliver-life to the full. many even teach their children to tolerate and accept the ways of the world. we are so complacent and it is a deadly thing.
much like pop, or carbinated death ( a nick name i have given it, although my weakness is diet coke with lemon:)), the more we intake into out bodies the more dehydrated we become. pop has the opposite affect of water and to compensate we need twice as much water than pop. it leaves our body with less than we are persuaded to believe it intends to do. this is the affect i see the media having on our world and on the Church, the Bride of Christ.
look at Christ. He drank the cup of His Father-the cup of suffering appears to end in death only to be proven against all hope to end in eternal glory! i will drink this cup. Christ is called the Fountain of Living Water and He promises to those who would come and drink, that they would never thirst again. in Jeremiah, Israel is destroyed in judgement for hewing for themselves cisterns that hold no water and forsaking the Fountain of Living Water. and in the book of Revelation we see that two kinds of water cannot come from the same source.
and yet we swallow the Word and then swollow alchohol. we swallow an intimate worship encounter, precious communion with the Holy One and then swallow hell through the television screen or coming through the radio feed in our car. we are drinking from two different sources. and this being true, how can our own inner source be pure? how can our outpoor be of Living Water is we are diluting it with anti-truths?
i will drink the cup of my Father. i will consider Christ who for the joy set before Him endured the cross. the joy of partaking in my King's sufferings is nearly overbearing let alone knowing that i will dwell with Him for all eternity!
i will not drink the cup offered to me by the enemy for i wage war not against flesh and blood but against principalities. i will walk in the Spirit so as to not fulfill the desires of the flesh which builds up the wrong kingdom entirely. sow in the flesh, reap in the flesh. that is a serious verse. it is coupled with sow in the Spirit, reap in the Spirit. i want to build into the right Kingdom; my King's Kingdom!
so when i sit down to watch a movie or listen to music, i must have the mindset that it is not just a movie and it is not just music. demons prey on those being entertained. nothing is as it seems. it is not just a movie, just music, just a drink, just pornography, just masterbation, just words or course jokes, just the internet, just money, just a designer bag. there are powers behind every object, every action. these powers are vying to steal out attention. to distract. and we are distracted so easily. the enemy has been using the same tricks for all of time only now they are more prevelant, more demanding, more subject to our everything thought and action. we as a people are more distracted than we have ever been.
1 peter 2:11
i urge you as beloved brethren and aliens to this world, abstain from fleshly lusts which rage war against the soul.
peter knew that there is more to life than the naked eye would allow us to see. we are supposed to be different and change things!
2 corinthians 4: 18
while we look not to the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things that are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.
other lovers, lesser lovers. whatever our weakness lends itself to, we don't fight it but surrender to it. our weaknesses are making the call on what we worship. what we fix our gaze upon. what we spend out time on, and time is our most precious gift! this result is bondage to the enemy and his minions. this can happen and does happen even while we bear the name of Christ. we have yet to see the battle that is at hand or the urgency of the hour.
Christ is coming and we are stuck. will we not let Him do the very thing He came to do? will we not let Him free us? will we not be for our King? for His Kingdom?
it is time to get fierce about these things, O Bride of Christ! they may seem trite but that is where the scheming begins, when we see something through the lense of the world and not as we ought to see, through the lense of God. we must weigh our decisions with the Word which is living and active and able to pierce the hearts of men. we must as God for His judgements. we must ask God for His correction and for His pure heart. We must train ourselves to Love what He Loves and hate what He hates. we must hate our sin.
let us run in such a way that we will not be disqaulified.
1 comment:
Preach it Sister! This is awesome. It's so faith building to be reminded that we live in a world with two realms and we need to remain alert. I love that you called it how you see it.
I found you from Happy's blog. Welcome to blogging. It looks like you have some great things to share with us.
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