Thursday, February 9, 2012

"I want to keep company with you..."

some realizations of late are that i have not led a 'normal life' since the accident, which was 17 months ago now.

i was floored when i actually took the time to think about how much time had passed since august of 2010. i have not worked since then, was part of an internship last year, got married, bought a house, did a little bit of traveling, wrote songs here and there, started running again on and off but that's really about it. these realizations have been saddening to me, the fact that i really was down and out for quite a long time. 17 months, in my mind, as a 26 year old woman, is a long time.

what people may not realize is that a life altering accident is actually just that, life altering. i have not been the same since the accident. (don't worry, this post won't be depressing...i promise!)

the implications of being 'down and out' as i call it, are that i have only been semi-invested in all of life, if at all. i have only half- lived and there are reasons why i can honestly say this and it's not all that connected to unemployment, although that certainly has its challenges.

i have not been open to lots of things from friendships to participating on sunday mornings to learning how to cook to keeping to a regular laundry schedule. well, i have been open but unable to go after anything with my all; i have literally struggled in every single area of life. there have been plenty of sunday mornings where i have not wanted to go to Church at all, and for me, that's saying something. i won't get in to the depths of the depression and anxiety i have faced; just know that i went through the most trying time in my entire life after the accident and that's also saying something...i'm a cancer survivor and have been healed of disease. let's put it this way: i am no stranger to suffering.

God's grace is something i am no stranger to, either.

throughout this process, i have longed to have something to bring to God, but i have had nothing to bring; no talent, no accomplished to do lists, no deep and thriving friendships, no races run, no hours on the piano. nothing.

but my heart.

all i have had to bring to God has been my heart; my heart full of questions, full of pain, full of disappointments, full of dreams i have been afraid to dream.

even so, God took what i had to offer to him, a stripped down version, a broken and messy version of bethany belisa. He took my heart and did not let go.

my favorite thing about this season is that i get to say i kept company with God. that's a fancy way of saying we hung out...all the time. it is something i heard him whisper to me when my bones were broken and healing; i would hear him say, "i want to keep company with you, my dear." and He would. i knew He was right there and wasn't going anywhere. my body needed lots of rest and in this i truly learned what it is to be content in all things. this is the 'secret' paul said he learned; now i know it too;)

i am a former busy-body. God has saved me from myself. He took the accident and used it for good and accomplished many things in me. i am grateful for this season, even though it's been longer and harder than i imagined it would be. but how can we truly know something until we have gone through it ourselves?

"He changes times and seasons..." Daniel 2:21

bethany belisa


Liz said...

i love that you're writing again :)

and i just wanted to leave encouragement for you Bethany...

lately i've been pretty obsessed with the Jesus Culture song "Your Love Never Fails" and part of the song has just been in my head as i read your post and so i wanted to remind you that "there may be pain in the night, but joy comes in the morning"

i've been depressed and i want to tell you that joy DOES come. it's meant to.

praying for you friend ♥

Kristin Ann said...

Thank you for posting this. It is so beautiful how God makes something beautiful from the ashes. Your strong faith in God despite trials, challenges, and being in dark places is truly inspirational. Keep on writing girl you have a talent. Thank you Lord for Bethany and for your ever faithful presence in her life.

bethanybelisa said...

thanks ladies! i just about stopped breathing because i was so excited that i had 2 comments! AHH! :D

anyway, thank you for your sweet and kind words! i know this is something God is calling me to step out in and to be faithful with.

also, liz, i am not depressed anymore! praise the Lord! i have been throughout the healing process, but it's been almost a year since it was really bad. just wanted to clarify with you! ;) and i LOVE that song! thanks and love you:) xoxo